Saturday, July 17, 2010

Deal Maker-

"The manifesto of the dealmaker is simple: Reality is negotiable. Outside of science and law, all rules can be bent or broken, and it doesn't require being unethical." Tim Ferriss, The 4 Hour Work Week.

The game has changed. It's not about security but mobility. This is somewhat of a relief, me being a young male at age 23. I believe most young males would agree with me. Unless you like the traditional climbing up the corporate latter and being a professional coffee fetcher, working 80 hr weeks. Sounds exciting doesn't it. Not the least!
Tim Farriss, a man who should be every one's ideal figure when it comes to abundance in the professional world. In life it's about doing what excites us this way we can be enthusiastic and enjoy what we set out to do. When we realize that all rules are bendable and breakable outside of natural law and science we are then able to create a life style of creativity, passion and ambition designed by the most important person, you. It seems to be that people are taught through conditioning, education and the norm that there is only a right and wrong way to achieve something, when in fact there is unlimited ways to create. Let's think of Artists. If Artists where stricken to only using one standard brush, one technique and a few colors then there would only be a few that would break the barrier of a masterpiece. Much like the few who actually make it running their huge corporate business, who slave away for 40 years, (the best years of your life) to finally sale out and make a so called retirement life style, drinking lemonade and occasionally taking a spin in his expensive golf cart. Sounds worth it right? No, not at all. I'm young and choose to be mobile rather than secure. I'm sticking to my guns and living a life of adventure and fulfillment. I'm not waiting to live until I'm retired. As of now, I don't have much to lose. I'm a college student studying psychology and living a simple life. So, why make it complicated and work for someone who pays a measly 10 bucks an hour? Well, to get through school of course. Then my excuse and justification for working for the man would be, rather than getting through school it'll be getting through life and making the house payment. Perfect, nothing changes, only the degree of justification for doing what you hate for a so called career. Let's make the shift!

"The options are limitless, but each path begins with the same first step: Replacing Assumption." (Tim Ferriss) Those of you that are somewhat spiritual may know of a book written by Daniel Ruiz, " The Four Agreements. One of the agreement in its pages is " Don't Make ASSUMPTIONS." A great principle to live by. The shift consists of a shift in consciousness. Simplify and do what you enjoy. Everyone has a niche in life, an area of one's life when the individual is in what is called their flow. When people are doing what they love time seems to disappear and they loose a sense of self allowing a freshness to life which allows you to step into the unknown and experience a life of fulfillment.
Now, speaking for myself. I'm jobless right now, which is very interesting, and yes I'm broke. However, this so called time of scarcity has allowed me to begin to make the shift. It's forcing me to break my conditioning and try new things. Not to mention that I'm actually the happiest I've been. I get to design my life the way I want to from the ground up. Although, it seems to be a game of tug of war between following my dreams and conforming to the rat race.
Now, I'm no professional when it comes to business or entrepreneurship. But I'm extremely passionate about living a happy, fulfilling life full of truth. (as I drink my 4Th cup of coffee) Stay positive, love your life!

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